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Stuffed Uglycorn doll


Sometime ago when I had been dating my now husband, for about two years, I won a trip to Chicago to visit Fox Studio's warehouse. You see, Fox Studios used to have a rewards program where you could "buy" or earn points by displaying their product in your movie theater and then use those point to purchase items from their warehouse. Well the trip I won included a "Run Through The Warehouse" where 20 winners (theater managers) had one minute to run and grab as many items as they could in the warehouse. We ended up with the Uglydoll Icebat as a result (along with many many other items). On a later visit from my son, he showed up with a pile of other Uglydolls as presents and the Uglycorn was the one he gave to me. I don't know why I love these silly creatures but they have a way of sneaking into your heart.