A Yogi's Blog

Quickie Yoga Break

Most of us find ourselves sitting for a good portion of our day. If you are having one of those days here are a couple of good poses you can do in five minutes
that will leave you feeling refreshed!

Downward facing dog
To come into Downward Facing Dog, first find Table Top. Come to your hands and knees, and stack your shoulders over your wrists, and hips over your knees. Palms should be shoulder width apart, knees hip width apart. Your fingers should be facing away from you with your finger spread wide apart from one another. Root your hands into the ground; roll over your feet to send your hips high. You should look like an upside down “v” from the side. Relax your head and neck and breathe here for a minute or so. When you first come into this pose, you may wish to “walk” your feet and hips while in position. Before you finish, take a moment of stillness, then release back to Table Top.

Camel is an awesome revitalizer. Start in Table Top, and come up onto your knees (roll up a sweater under your knees if you have one). Stack your shoulders over your hips, and hips over your knees. Place your palms on your lower back/upper glutes (fingertips pointing either down or up), slide your shoulders away from your ears and squeeze your elbows toward one another. Gaze up to open through your heart. If you want to go a little further, you can take your hands and place them on the heels of your feet for support. Keep your neck long and fall further backward. Breathe here for a minute, and release.

Forward fold
Stand with your feet hip-width apart (or more), and fold your torso over your legs with a long spine. Bend your knees as much as you need. Let your neck and head relax, and rest your arms where they’re comfortable. If your outfit allows, interlace your hands at your lower back and draw your palms slightly forward for a chest and shoulder opener. Hold for a minute, and slowly return to standing.

